I’ll Rust With You

Franklin Falls
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Man, I gotta tell you, this last week has been something else. Sorry for the late post. I was going to make it yesterday, I swear. But I just got really friggin’ tired.

First off, gamedev stuff — got a bit more of our game design document rounded out. Had a quick meeting with my 2d art/world building guy. He’s working on more stuff for us! Already released some new art which is looking great. The project manager got back to me last night with an outline of goals for the rest of our team — we are going to be getting some assets in game soon. No more working with my janky ass basic cube models!

Got some work done on the basic entity class, which will house all the stats shared between player characters and enemies. That was a good feeling. Progress is going very nicely.

Did a nice hike this weekend, hit up Franklin Falls, which is in the valley that I90 goes through, following the old highway. It is absolutely gorgeous there, but don’t take MY word for it:

Franklin Falls
Franklin Falls

This right here is the falls. I was going to go down further and get more pictures, but I was wearing sandals, and the surface was somewhat treacherous… I need to invest in a pair of Chacos again. I just don’t do as much wet hiking as I used to. But damn, the drive to this hike was beautiful, as was the hike itself, as you can see. I started at

Denny Creek
Denny Creek

the base of this creek, and followed it up about a mile and a half. The walk down I just came back and followed the road, as I found out, you can park elsewhere and skip part of it.. But then I would have missed out on beautiful sights, like the second picture here.

In other news, I hit my first mini goal for my lifting, I’m up to squatting 120lbs as my workout weight (which is 5 sets of 5 reps) — and that feels Pretty awesome. At the end of the week, I’ll be at my first big boy plates! (45lbs on each side, 135lbs) — It looks like my first weight based plateau is over, as I’ve start dropping weight again now that muscle gain is going a bit slower (I had a few weeks where I was still dropping BMI, but weight stayed the same).

I still look forward to the future and the adventures to follow, and I know good things will keep happening if I keep pushing forward and getting stuff done.

One last thing, a very incredible person inspired me to take up learning ASL with them, and it’s so awesome to learn. I hope I can use some of this to help communicate with the deaf audience and work with them to help accessibility within my games.

Talk to you all later! Have a great week! I’m really going to update Sunday this time, for real.

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